

It is my hope, that my life, becomes an inspiration to others. In 2002 my life was featured on the tv show it's superatural! Above all else, I desire to see lives changed and for everyone, to reach their full potential and to live their dreams!

Through life's challenges; I have learned life lessons that I use, to teach others how to come out on the other side, victorious over the very things that have tried to derail us.
I accomplish this through my writings, my books, my speaking and my one on one coaching of others. I am very excited to see lives changed and transformed and I truly believe that we can all be used in a miraculous inspiring way!

My heart beats for revival in the local church and my vision is to bring the next move of god and renewal/revival to the church, government and natons! I have spoken in several churches and I have a mandate to bring renewal / revival over regions and churches. I am the author of 13 books. I speak and impart the next move of god with documented signs, wonders and miracles in every meeting. To date, all of my meetings have become extended revivals and many have been historic!

My passion is to bring others into a closer walk and relationship with god, whom not only wants to be a father but also a friend.

What I want you to know is that whatever it is, you are facing and believing for; I am here for you and that you have a friend in god and in me.

One life
Live it !

Your friend,